In 1906, the year before his death, celebrated violinist Joseph Joachim said, "The Germans have four violon concertos. The greatest, most uncompromising is Beethoven's. The one by Brahms vies with it in seriousness. The richest, the most seductive was written by Max Bruch. But the most inward, the heart's jewel, is Mendelssohn's."
The fourth concerto that he mentioned is a famous composition by Felix Mendelssohn, and that's my favourite violin concerto. Its full title is "Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op.64". Composed some time in the 1800s, it has three movements, of which the first movement, "Allegro molto appasionato", is the most splendid, most famous, and most performed by violinists all over the world.
If there's anything that deserves the title "masterpiece of music”, it must be this violin concerto with its profoundly beautiful themes and fervid expression. I have listened to it hundreds of times, and I find in it a surprising characteristic, that is the concerto is suited to all shades of emotions. You can listen to it in whatever mood. Strange?
Want some stimulants that excite you for a kick-off? Or some softly passionate words of love? Or something reminiscent of memorable time you had in life? Try it once, you will like it at once.
Note: I must apologise for my poor knowledge of classical music. The interpretation above is what I "cook up" based on my own perception of the concerto, so don't lay your trust on it. I just make it up.